Game over for Plovdiv Game Jam @ 2015!

Game over for Plovdiv Game Jam @ 2015!

This year's edition of Game Jam is over! The results: 75 participants, 18 teams and 3 winners.

This year the organisers decided to start a board game track. There were 2 teams formed, and one of them - "The Emperor's Chosen"- has got the prize - several board games provided by the sponsors. For a second year, the audience award was given to "One Box Entertainment" and their game "Give'em Hell". The last award - that of the sponsors - went to "U+We" and their "Game of life". The latter two teams are also travelling to Berlin in April for the AMAZE festival, where they will show their games to other independent game developers from around the world.

All participants were great this year. There were some pretty interesting and funny games made. We will soon be releasing video materials of the lectures and presentations of the games.

As a co-organiser we would like firstly thank our volunteers from the student council of Plovdiv University - you were great guys and girls! Next, we would like to thank our sponsors for their support, our general host - the creative place Incubator in "Kapana" district in Plovdiv. Last but not the least, we thank our media sponsors for their support and social publicity! We hope to see all of you in Plovdiv Game Jam @ 2016!

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